Wednesday, July 12, 2006
No one ever knows what I'm feeling, even myself couldn't figure it out. I've tried a lot of is-it?-tests but still can't come up with a conclusion.
I dont exactly know what I was thinking, or even who it was, but I came up with some strong passages.
" ...My..its been a long while since i've talked to you...but i thAnk god for everyday I see you in my way. i cant Help but smile when your shiny eyes met mine. i Always admit i think of you in every second my mind permits me to. at anywhere i Look, your face is the one i imagine. Keeping myself in touch with reality, i always find myself walking to where you are. when someone spoke of your name i cant help but to feel something wIThin me. you mAy think i aM stupid to write this wAy,but my Hands can't help it. you didn't reAlly have to repLy on this passage, but please read it until the very end. ive always waNted to say these things to you..but when i see you face soMething mAkes me stop, as if the world is not turning wHen im woth you. i dont even wAnt to move, i just want to stare at you. just Looking at your face makes my heart beat fast, and so what even more if im holding your very hand? maybe i'll of course not...liKe a rose, thats how you are treatIng me, and because of That, you becAme so special to me. you made me feel that the world needs me, and that im important even in my smallest deeds...."
i was so surprised to see what is in there. It is really coded, and im shocked. Have you got it? well thaT's it for today, i hope you can help me.